To defeat the enemy, one must first know
the enemy.
By Jeremiah T. Bagwell
fishless is not something you should just take as a fact of life.
There is almost always a way to make bass cooperate with you. The trick
figuring out what it’s going to take and then doing it.
angler has experienced aggravation as a result of a poor day fishing.
Before you break your rod, call it quits, and decide to go home empty
handed, there are a few things you may want to consider. By simply changing
your mindset, you can rule out a large portion of nonproductive water
and baits that simply are not working. Altering your game plan can put
you back on quality fish in a hurry.
the habits and patterns of bass can be one of the biggest deciding
factors in fishing. Knowing where a fish “should be” can eliminate a great deal
of dead water. A rising star on bass fishing’s horizon, Bruce “Bam” McQueen,
sums it up rather nicely. “Most anglers think of bass as their friends.
Not me, I look at them as my enemy. The only way to defeat your enemy
is to know your enemy. If you know where a bass should be during any
given condition, it greatly increases your chances of hooking them. Once
you land the bass, the battle is over, and you have defeated the enemy”,
McQueen explains. Take into consideration the changing weather conditions;
is it sunny, raining, hot, or cold? Start to think like a bass. Ask
yourself, where would I be in this situation? If it is raining fish
will still
bite, but often times during a storm, thunder will drive them to
deeper water. When the sun is high overhead on a 90 degree day, where
do you
feel most comfortable? Bass too will prefer a shaded area away from
the blazing sun. Although there is science involved with locating
bass, the
formula can frequently be determined simply by using your mind.
every waterway is going to fish a little different. The key to success
is analyzing the body of water you are fishing. Look at your topographic
maps to locate areas that have obvious fish holding structure. Examples
of structure are long shallow points near deep water, ledges, creek channels,
and flats. Next, use your electronics to locate the precise position
of the structure beneath the surface of the water. Current is also a
major factor in determining holding areas of bass. Locate current and
fish the areas that offer the best structure and/or cover. Current will
cause an eddy to form. The importance of an eddy is that it will cause
bait fish to be in a more tightly grouped pattern. It also provides a
great ambush point for bass to stage near the edges of strong current.
is often times one of the single most productive presentation changes.
It almost seems as though fish are less intimidated by smaller finesse
style baits than they are of a big jig or worm. However, downsizing
extends farther than just the bait. It is equally as important to use
the lightest
line possible without jeopardizing your ability to effectively handle
a fighting bass. FLW and Bassmaster Touring Pro David Lefebre, refers
to this approach as “Minimizing Hardware”. “I don’t care what anyone
says, when fish are extremely pressured and turned off, downsizing everything
from your line size, hooks, snaps, and even split rings can make a difference,” Lefebre
accuracy is something that receives little attention from most non-professional
anglers. It is extremely vital to be able to drop your bait perfectly
in the strike zone. During tough conditions, the strike zone is typically
very small. Bass are not always willing to chase down a bait, but
they will hit a lure if it’s right in their face. Casting is something that
should be practiced on a regular basis. Major league pitchers still go
to baseball practice everyday, so why would anyone assume that their
casting accuracy couldn’t be improved upon?
single most important factor to being able to successfully catch
bass is not your lure, your equipment, or a top secret miracle scent.
It is
your pure confidence in your abilities. If an angler doesn’t believe
that he or she is capable of catching fish, chances are good that they
won’t. Confidence is more than just going out and telling everyone
that you are going to catch an eight pound bass. It is more psychological
than anything. You can say whatever you want but your brain knows
truth. To be effective, you have to believe with all of your heart
that you are going to go out and catch quality fish. Illinois tournament
angler Chris DeVries employs his own “go to” method. “Whenever facing
a tough bite, I always go to my bait of confidence, a Texas rigged
7 1/2” Red Shad worm. This forces me to slow down, think about the conditions
and allows me to evaluate the way the fish are biting”, Chris explains.
next time you find yourself in a hard fought battle with uncooperative
bass or high pressure fishing situations, take a break, and clear your
mind. Analyze the entire situation including all of the aspects previously
mentioned. You have the knowledge and ability to catch these bass but
you may need to search for it within yourself.

Jeremiah T. Bagwell, All Rights Reserved.
Articles By Jeremiah T. Bagwell