would anyone go through the trouble of making his or her own tackle? Is it
because the overall cost is drastically lower? Or maybe because you have
the option of changing subtle details that can make the fish go wild?
of why you choose to handcraft your tackle, the benefits of this fine art
are beyond compare. From sinkers to Spinnerbaits and everything in between,
ambitious anglers are putting their minds, experience, and hands to work
in an attempt to create the perfect product and save a boat load of money.
me the choice to manufacture my own tackle came after a period of several
weeks of hard fishing. During this period, I had been using a name brand
jig as my primary bait. The problem with these jigs was the hooks were
inferior to others on the market and they would fail very frequently. There
were instances
where I would get hung up in a brush pile or some fallen timber and after
getting the bait unstuck, the hook would be so weak that it would bend
straight on the slightest of hook sets. Even worse, the hook would completely
after catching a limited number of fish. While some may not see this
as a serious issue, I view it as more than a little inconvenience.
begin the tackle making process it is important to know exactly what it
is you want to accomplish by producing your own tackle. By evaluating all
the pertinent details before you begin the production process, you can
almost entirely alleviate all of the negative issues you were having with
your previous
product. For example if you recall my problems were with poor quality hooks.
Rather than duplicating the problem by using the cheapest hooks I could
locate, I opted for higher grade hooks. The hooks that I prefer to use are Daiichi and XPoint.
These are two of the sharpest and most durable hooks on the market. Daiichi even
makes different styles of jig hooks in their Bleeding Bait™ product
line. It is important to note that not all molds will accept all hook sizes. (Check your mold specifications to determine which hooks will fit your mold)
the type of hooks you use is just the beginning of the creative world of
tackle design. With the proper equipment and creative thinking, you can completely
design and manufacture your own unique style of tackle. Whether you want
on odd shaped sinker or a Flippin’ Jig with an eye catching design, the possibilities
are endless. Custom colors are very important to some anglers. Having the
option of using just the right color combinations to match the forage in
your local fishery can greatly increase the number of fish you catch. For
tournament anglers this can mean a significant increase in winnings.
After I became a little more familiar with the whole process
of making my own jigs, I started to make them more customized. The jigs that
I produce have specific color combinations to fit my personal preferences.
I combine different color skirt materials and various Powder Coat paint colors
for the heads to achieve just the right combination.
product that takes the personal design process to a whole new level is
blank molds. These molds have not been machined. This gives you the ability
take the mold to a local machine shop and have them machine the cavities
to your exact specifications. You must have the proper machinery to mill
out the cavities for your personal designs. This is not something that
you should attempt to do if you are not an experienced machine operator.
tolerances need to be maintained to achieve optimal alignment for each
side of the cavity. Your imagination is the limit when it comes to the
that you can have produced by using a blank mold. If you can envision the
design, there is a very good chance that a highly skilled machinist can
make your dream bait a reality.
next and quit possibly the most important step is to determine the type of
tackle molds to use. To solve my problems I went with the most trusted name
in tackle molds, Do-It Mold Company (www.do-itmolds.com). Do-It offered
the most cost efficient and high quality molds available. Their catalog also
contains a vast array of additional items I needed to complete my tasks.
I was able to obtain a melting pot, jig skirts, fiber weed guards, powder
coat paint, various jig molds, and a great deal of miscellaneous hardware.
As with any other project, using the best quality materials will drastically
improve the finished product. Nearly every item that I received came with
directions that explained how to properly use them. After reading the directions,
I still wanted to make sure that I was doing everything properly so I went
to Do-It’s website. Once at the site, I had access to a list of various
tips and trouble shooting tactics that made the whole process run extremely
lead I used for my initial run of hand made tackle was obtained by melting
down a bunch of old sinkers that I had in my basement. Once that supply
was depleted, I picked up about 20 pounds of lead wheel weights and other
lead items. These various items were then melted down and the lead was
turned into ingots using Do-It’s Ingot mold. The ingots are nice clean
lead that can be melted down to produce your custom tackle. Because lead
is so
readily available, I have yet to actually purchase any of it. This is another
way to keep the cost of tackle at a minimum. Even if you do have to purchase
your lead, it is very inexpensive and you can do so by visiting your local
scrap yard. (Caution: Always work with lead in
well ventilated area)
Establish a well arranged workplace. Try to
place all of your materials in order to develop a small assembly line.
This will reduce the amount of wasted time and materials. Always have
a predetermined “cooling area.” This
is the location where you will place your tackle while the lead is completely
cooling down. Prior to the actual start of your production process, it
is a good idea to preheat the mold. This seems to make the lead flow more
and completely fill the cavity. Trial and error will help you master the
tackle making craft. I would be lying if I said that I had not messed up
less than a couple dozen times. However once you get the rhythm, it is
a very simple task.
When you catch your first fish on a piece of tackle that
you have created, pride will fill every inch of your body. Just knowing
that you had the ability produce something that was good enough to entice
a big
fish to strike, makes it well worth the work. Especially when it was your
own personally designed, customized tackle that got the job done. The first
time I caught something on one of my custom jigs, I was so excited. I remember
skipping the jig way back underneath a boat dock. After hopping it a few
times, a bass just hammered it. Although it wasn’t
a huge fish, I was elated to catch it on something that I made. Since this
time, I have caught an astounding number of bass on the custom jigs that
I created.
a result of the success I have had with my jigs, I could actually produce
a supplemental income, if of course I had the time. Several of the anglers
that I fish with and against have admired the high level of quality in
my custom tackle. During the recent months, I have had numerous offers to
some of my jigs. Of course, I usually just give each person a couple jigs
and then tell them how they can make their own. So whether you want to
produce high quality tackle for personal use or start a small tackle making
hand made tackle is the way to go.
For more information about Do-It’s various
product lines or for tips on creating your own tackle visit www.Do-ItMolds.com

Copyright© 2003, Jeremiah T. Bagwell, All Rights Reserved.
Photos used by permission from Do-It Mold Company