Hugh Crumpler III
Bass with wild shiners is perceived by most to be sitting, watching
a strike indicator. When done professionally
a multitude of factors are involved with the end process of setting
the hook and catching bass. There is action
and thrill involved! There is more than one way, one place, more
than one set of equipment, involved in catching bass with wild shiners.
Some may think it’s like sitting on a stump, it shouldn't
be. In this article the subjects covered are: 1. Where
to fish. 2. Hooking the wild
shiner. 3. The techniques of trolling,
line fishing, Carolina rig fishing, dead shiner fishing and how to
hook the shiner in each method. 4. How
bass eat a wild shiner. 5. Spawning Bass
and WIld Shiners 6 Other
fish that will bite your wild shiner.
7. The
Vital Hook Set. 8. Equipment.
9. Handling
the bass. 10. Photographing the bass.
The wild shiner itself including how to make
it better than when you got it. 12. Locating
shiner fishing places. The information comes
from years of guiding clients to MONSTER BASS with wild shiners;
lots of study and brain picking with other wild shiner fishing experts.
to Fish Wild Shiners
are three main areas bass concentrate. Grass Mats are excellent
places to fish wild shiners. Grass Mats are topped out vegetation
or vegetation
that has grown and is floating. Areas with scattered grass clumps
are excellent areas to fish wild shiners. And trees or wood are excellent
places to fish wild shiners.
a grass mat involves anchoring around the mat and placing the bait
near the mat or letting the bait swim under the mat. Scattered grass
areas may be fished effectively by anchoring or trolling. Wood and
trees can be fished by trolling or anchoring. Spawning grounds are
excellent areas to shiner fish. These areas can be trolled, drifted,
anchored or fished with wild shiners in an artificial lure fishing
is nothing like the thrill of the catch. To achieve more thrills
of more catches it takes patience, skill, knowledge, and applying
the Wild Shiner
are four ways to hook a wild shiner. Each way has advantages and
disadvantages, but each way has a reason. The four locations for
hooking the wild shiner are through the lips, below the dorsal fin,
the anal fin and in the tail.
most common and most widely used hooking procedure is to hook the
wild shiner through the lips. Done correctly the point of the hook
goes through the lower lip and comes out one of the two air holes
in the top of the head of the wild shiner. The placement of the hook
through the air hole gives more substance for the hook hold and
stays in place better. Bass eat shiners head first so lip hooking
increases hook set ratio. Fishing line has tension or pull. With
the hook in the lips, the wild shiner tends to swim back to the boat.
(The line tension causes the wild shiner to face the angler. The
shiner swims the way he faces.) Lip hooking reduces swimming action
of the bait and the bait tends to stay in one place. Sometimes you
want the shiner to stay put and sometimes you want him to move. How
you hook him makes a difference.
sub category of lip hooking the wild shiner in the lips is hooking
the wild shiner in the head. Basically, the hook is placed through
the meaty part of the bait just behind the two air holes. You get
the advantages of lip hooking, a more solid positioning of the hook,
and a little more action out of the bait.
hook the wild shiner under the dorsal fin run the hook through the
meat in the back
wild shiner just below the dorsal fin. The exact placement of the
hook is only important in that the angler should be able to rip
the hook through the shiner when he sets the hook. A shiner will
face away from the angler when hooked this way. The shiner will tend
to swim more. When tension is placed on the line the shiner will
come to the top and make splashes. Sometimes the splashing is enough
to get a curious bass to strike. The splashing also draws attention.
When splashing, the wild shiner looks like a bait trying to escape
a bass. An angler can cause a wild shiner to swim UNDER cover when
this way. Bass eat wild shiners head first, so hook set to hook up
ratio is reduced. The wild shiner tends to come up to the surface
hooked this way. Sometimes the difference in getting a bass to strike
or not is based on whether the shiner swims or not.
the wild shiner above the anal fin is used when you need the shiner
to swim under a mat to produce a bite. The idea is that with the
hook on the bottom of the shiner the hook is less likely to get stuck
in the mat. Basically, this is the same as hooking the wild shiner
under the dorsal fin. The major difference is that the hooks easily
can be pulled out of the shiner when it is placed above the anal
fin. By pulling the rod tip down while the shiner is under the mat
the shiner is pulled out of the bottom of the mat and when the rod
tip is given to the shiner the shiner will swim further under the
mat. Lifting the rod tip up or to the side will cause the shiner
to dig deeper into the bottom of the mat. Many, many times the difference
in getting a bite or getting that MONSTER bite is based on the location
of the shiner. On the edge of the mat or swimming under it can be
a vital difference.
hooking has the distinct advantage of getting the shiner to swim.
And it has the distinct disadvantage of greatly reduced hook up success.
to use each hook placement method is based on what the bass are doing,
how the angler is trying to catch them, the quality of the bait,
and what other fish in the area are doing. For example, if needle
fish or gar are in the area the shiners should not be near the surface
as the needle fish and gar will wound or kill the bait.
of Fishing Wild Shiners
variety of techniques can be used to get bass to bite. Trolling is
a good technique. Anchored techniques are effective. Free line techniques
are effective whether trolling, drifting, or anchored. Wild shiners
fished in a Carolina rig technique are effective. And using a strike
indicator technique can be used trolling, drifting or anchored.
is an excellent method of fishing wild shiners. Drifting is basically
another method of trolling. Drifting amounts to turning the boat
side ways and covering an area as wide as the boat is long. Trolling
is going in the direction of the nose of the boat and covers a narrower
path than drifting. Boat control greater when trolling.
trolling involves hooking the shiner through the lips; using a strike
indicator and allowing the rig to follow behind the boat. The strike
indicator could be a float or a balloon. The distance between the
shiner and the indicator should be about two feet. The distance is
really not important. The shiner will come up to the top as the boat
moves forward. The strike indicator is for the angler not the bass
or bait. The strike indicator lets the angler know the general location
of the bait and allows the angler to more easily know when the bait
has been eaten.
one shiner out the back. One out each side. Then move the boat S.
..L....O...W...L...Y. Not even as fast as the slowest your trolling
motor will go. The idea is to draw the bass up out of what ever they
are in and get them to bite. Slow moving bait gives the bass a longer
look; more time to catch up; and more time to eat the shiner.
ATTENTION TO YOUR BAIT!!! The bait will tell you worlds of information.
shiner. When your shiners follow the boat- they are not afraid. There
are no bass! A scared shiner will move about. What scares the shiner
is an invitation to be dinner by a bass. If your shiners move to
the left-the bass are to the right. If you shiners move to the right
the bass are to the left. If your shiner hops out of the water- the
bass is right under him waiting for him to come down. If the shiners
move- STOP!!!! Give the bass a chance to devour the bait. It more
than one of your shiners is eaten- ANCHOR!!!! You have located a
school. If the school does not bite when anchored- pick up the anchor
and troll through the area again. Some times the bass want the shiners
shiners can be trolled without the strike indicator. The advantage
is that the bass might like the shiner better this way. The disadvantage
is that the angler has to pay greater attention to what he feels
in the line to know what the shiner is doing. Also, when the boat
is stopped the shiner might go down into some thing that the angler
can not get it out of. Like a tree or grass clump.
and drifting wild shiners are techniques that can be used to catch
and to locate bass. Trolling is a method to use when the bass are
mobile. It is a method to use when the bass are scattered. Trolling
is a method to use to locate a group of bass . Sometimes the shiners
will get scared in the same place during several trolling passes
but not get eaten. The bass are in that area. The bass need to see
the shiners for a longer period of time in order to bite. Stop, anchor
and be patient. Place the shiners out hooked in a variety of methods.
By using a variety of hooking techniques the angler is searching
for the most effective method. When one method out produces the other
methods switch more bait to the most effective method.
wild shiner was conceived in the wild. It grew up in the wild. Some
catcher person caught it and sold it to a tackle shop. The wild shiner
knows what a bass is. It knows what a bass is going to do to it and
it does not want that to happen. PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT THE WILD SHINER
lures and trolling wild shiners is a hope and a prayer. It is a hope
some thing hits the artificial and praying something hits the bait.
GET SERIOUS!!! DO ONE OR THE OTHER!! You will be more successful.
you know where bass are located, think you know where bass are located,
or for some reason are convinced one spot is the place to be- anchor
up. Use two anchors. Hold the boat steady. Usually, anchoring up
wind so that the lines are flowing with the wind in a straight line
is the method that allows the bait to stay in the strike zone the
where anchoring works best are always places you know there are bass.
Such places could be spawning areas, scattered grass areas, bass
routes, wood clumps or grass mats. Anchored fishing allows the angler
to use more shiner techniques at the same time. The angler may use
a strike indicator, free line, Carolina Rig, or use a combination
of methods.
a topped out mat start with a strike indicator and a dorsal fin hooked
shiner. You want the shiner to swim under the mat. You will know
this because the strike indicator will be flush against the mat.
YOU WANT THIS!! If the shiner will not go under the mat when hooked
under the dorsal fin it is usually an indication that the shiner
is getting invitations to be dinner from under the mat. Many times
a bass will “stalk” a shiner until the bass has determined
an appropriate time to eat the shiner. Let your bait swim and see
what happens. Many times an angler will take a bait away from an
interested bass because the bait is not where the angler wants it
to be. Patience is to the anglers benefit. A moving shiner means
a bass is near.
you anchor--put out several rods. When you are in an area that bass
will be swimming through it is important to maintain bait in the
water at all times. As the bass swim through the bait will begin
to be eaten. Setting the hook may result in the bass spitting out
the bait and remaining hooked. Another bass will hit the shiner spit
out. To keep catching it is important to immediately put another
shiner where the last one was hit. Yes, even while the angler is
fighting the bass. This keeps the feeding frenzy going. It’s
like throwing gasoline on a fire. More fuel-more fire. More bait-
more bites.
HUGE shiner can elicit a strike. When you have a shiner that is constantly
run off from an area and not bit - it is possible to elicit a bite
by throwing a HUGE shiner in the area. Remove all others from the
area. Let the huge guy swim awhile. The bass will try to figure out
how to hit it. He will stalk it. IF he does not hit the HUGE guy
and times passes then bring in the HUGE guy and throw out a much
smaller one. The smaller one will be immediately be hit. HUGE guys
will also serve to hold a school in your area. The bass in the school
stare at it trying to figure out how to eat it. When the HUGE guy
gets hit you better catch the bass- it’s a big un.
a strike indicator while dorsal fin hooking the shiner allows the
shiner to go under the mat a limited distance. To get the shiner
to go under the mat further take off the strike indicator and FREE
LINE the bait. Whether the shiner is hooked in the nose, tail, under
the dorsal fin, or above the anal fin the key is “free”.
This is a slack line fishing technique. The angler is a line watcher
NOT a line feeler. If you can feel the shiner, the line is too tight.
Leave slack in the line. Pitch the shiner out. The shiner will land
with his head pointed away. He should swim away. Give him slack line.
Feed him line. Let him swim under the mat. The indication of a bite
is a “hop” in the line or a slow steady pull. A bass
will pull down the rod tip while the shiner may pull the tip down
but he can not hold the rod tip down. Pulling too much on the line
will cause the point of the hook to embed itself into a piece of
structure-like wood or grass. Then the shiner will not be able to
swim. A bass might hit. However, chances of the bass getting the
hook and the bait are reduced. FREE LINE is an advanced techniques.
Free Line takes patience and observance to be successful. The angler
is required to “read” the line. Very few anglers become
competent with this method in one outing. Once mastered FREE LINE
will produce more and larger bass. Many times Free Line Techniques
produce bass when other methods produce nothing.
current anchor so that you are able to use the current to your advantage.
Methods that work are casting into the current and letting the current
bring the shiner back to you. Or casting across the current and allowing
the current to carry the bait. Both methods are effective . The key
is to be sure the shiner goes through the strike zone in a natural
Rigging a shiner is excellent in current. The weight causes the shiner
to be near the bottom. This is the key!!! The bass will not always
come to the top to strike. Always hook a shiner in the nose when
Carolina Rig fishing. Any other hooking method will cause the shiner
to go backwards in the current and drown itself. If your shiner dies,
hooked in the nose, the current will cause the shiner to look alive.
The use of a swivel, bead, and brass weight in your shiner Carolina
Rig is not necessary. The weight is only to get the shiner into the
deeper water. Use a Bell sinker or an Egg sinker. Fold the line.
Run it through. Loop the sinker. Experiment with different distances
between the bait and the weight to determine the optimum distance.
using a strike indicator there are two basic types. First is a float.
This is a hard material of some sort. The advantage is that the float
is always a float. The second type is a balloon. It is important
to blow up a balloon a small amount. A needle fish will pop a balloon.
A balloon will expand as the sun heats it. A balloon will go through
vegetation or wood much easier than a float which is an advantage.
Another advantage of a balloon is that it will pop and come through
some things that will hang up a float. This is important with a MONSTER
is on the line. And the final advantage of a balloon is that it costs
about two cents compared to 69 cents for a good float.
effective method of fishing a wild shiner is to pitch it into the
holes in the grass. This is using a wild shiner like a lure. The
idea is that when the shiner goes into the hold a bass in the hole,
or in the grass around the hole comes out and eats the shiner. Keep
the line slack. Monitor the line. And when the line “hops” or
has a slow steady pull- a bass has eaten the shiner.
angler can anchor, troll, or drift. Within each of these the angler
is able to use a strike indicator, free line, or Carolina Rig. And
an angler has a variety of methods of hooking the shiner. This is
not guess work. It is a matter of studying the prey ; its habitat
and applying what the angler believes to be the strike producing
method. And that is the start of the thrill of the catch.
Bass Eat Wild Shiners
your mind and read on. When a bass sees a shiner, he studies how
to catch the shiner. This involves “stalking”. If your
shiner is moving there is a possibility that a bass is in the stalking
mode. Scientific studies have shown that a bass will gets its prey
70% of the time when the prey is swimming off the bottom. So........if
you hook up with 7 of ten bites you are perfect. Once a bass has
begun the stalking mode he his focused on the bait. The bass will
seldom stop the attempt. If the shiner swims too far, if the angler
removes the shiner then the bass quits. When the bass goes to step
two he will try to eat the shiner. This means the bass gets into
position to swallow the shiner head first. This is a very quick movement.
If the bass is successful this is a “hop” in the line.
Then the bass swims off. The bass has no reason to hurry--he just
ate. That is the slow steady pull on the line. If you could open
the bass’s mouth you would see the tail of the shiner sticking
out of its throat.
wild shiner knows what a bass is and what is going to do to him.
The wild shiner does not want this to happen. The first attempt by
the bass to eat may be unsuccessful. The bass will then go into the “stun
the shiner” mode. In this mode the bass will swim into the
side of the shiner with his mouth closed. The idea is to “knock
the wind” out of the shiner. Then the bass will move face to
face with the shiner and swallow the shiner head first.
the wild shiner does not want this to happen. This is some of the
exciting part of wild shiner fishing as the bass does his thing and
the shiner does his thing. The shiner may jump out of the water.
The shiner may swim vigorously away from the bass. The bass remains
focused. The angler must remain focused and patient. The angler may “read” the
water. The angler looks for swirls indicating the bass is making
his move. Always the angler must remain on point. The angler must
observe, study the water and remain on point. When the balloon goes
under; when there is a slow steady pull on the line- the bass has
been successful.
few hints about how a bass eats a shiner. A bass has no hands, arms
or pockets. He does not carry the shiner. He does not scale the shiner
and then swallow him. A bass swallows the shiner in one gulp. A scaled
shiner is an indication that the shiner was in the bass’s belly
to its tail and was then spit out. When the bass goes into the “stun
mode” he strikes the shiner in the side. This will cause scales
to come off the shiner. This is not scaling. Only scales on part
of one side come off.
Spawning Bass and Wild Shiners
bass will hit a shiner. Not always hitting the wild shiner with eating
it in mind. Usually the purpose is to let the shiner know he is in
the wrong place. The angler can “read” this situation.
If the shiner is hit and then the bass does nothing- the probability
is that the bass is spawning. The shiner will be lethargic; just
sort of moping around. the shiner’s air sack has been destroyed.
The angler can’t see it. The angler is able to “read” it
by the shiners behavior. The shiner is useless for the spawning bass.
Might as well throw this shiner away. A bass on the bed does not
see it as a threat and will not hit it again. To catch the bedding
bass requires a bunch of shiners. When the bass is frustrated and
determined to stop the shiners from entering the protected zone.
Then the bass will eat.
use of a dead shiner on bedding bass is a highly effective technique.
Put the shiner in the protected zone and wait. No matter how many
times the bass stuns the shiner it does not leave. Finally , the
bass eats it. The key is that the dead shiner must lay across something
that holds it above the bottom- like a piece of wood or grass. Natural
wind and current will make the dead shiner move a little. The use
of a dead shiner requires patience, time and determination on the
part of the angler. Lip hooking is the most effective method with
dead bait.
difference between how a bedding bass strikes a shiner and an eating
bass strikes a shiner is based on the bass’s purpose. It is
necessary for the angler to “read” his bites and determine
which kind of strike he had. In Florida, the bass start bedding in
November and continue through April. It is not the same bass. In
the spawning grounds there will be spawning bass, pre-spawn bass
and post spawn bass all at the same time. “Reading” the
strike correctly will improve the angler’s catch.
the Hook
to set the hook and how to set the hook are critical and extremely
important! Understanding how a bass eats a wild shiner and how a
bass bites is of great importance in the hook setting process. There
is a difference between the use of a strike indicator and free line
techniques when setting the hook. Each is approached with an understanding
of how the bass bites and how the bait is fished.
a strike indicator is used there is a line between the strike indicator
and the rod tip. There is another line between the strike indicator
and the bait. The necessity is to get one straight line between the
DELIBERATELY, WIND UP THE SLACK! The angler will notice that the
line gets taught and the line moves towards the bass. MOVE THE ROD
MAINTAIN THE WINDING! The bass will not let go of the shiner as long
as the angler maintains pressure. The bass has no reason to spit out
the bait unless the angler gives him one. There should be a straight
line between the reel and the bass. WHEN YOU FEEL THE BASS! SET THE
the hook is set the fighting the bass part of the thrill of the catch
Line techniques require a little different hook setting method. The
most important factor remains that a straight line should exist between
the reel and the bass. The bass will usually be swimming away from
the angler or to one side. POINT THE ROD TIP AT THE BASS! DO NOT
UP AND OVER YOUR HEAD WITH ALL YOUR FORCE! On occasion the bass will
swim at the angler. When this happens it is necessary to wind up
the slack. When the bass is swimming toward the angler, then and
only then is winding the slack required in the hook setting process.
the line in a free line technique or raising the rod tip to “feel” will
cause the shiner to be released by the bass. The term used by guides
to describe what their clients did “He reeled the shiner out
of the bass’s mouth.”
hook setting techniques are extremely important. I you hook up with
seven of ten bites you are doing perfect!
Rig hook setting is also unique. The important necessity is a straight
line between the rod tip and the bass. Because of current and a weight
there are no straight lines (except, maybe, between the weight and
the bass). It is necessary to get a straight line before setting
the hook. “Feeling” with the rod tip is an important
part of Carolina Rig fishing. When the bite is felt the bass will
swim slowly off with the shiner. LET HIM SWIM. HOWEVER,,,,,,,,LET
for the angler are that the bass will not spit out the shiner unless
the angler gives the bass a reason; and the line must be straight
between the reel, rod tip and the bass before the angler delivers
the hook setting attempt. Seven of ten hook ups is perfect. Seven
of ten is how many times scientific studies have shown the bass to
be successful when attempting to eat swimming food.
angler using wild shiners is likely to have other fish attempt to
eat his wild shiner. There are ways to determine what is biting.
There are ways to eliminate some of the unnecessary bites. Knowing
what is biting is important.
most famous wild shiner eater that bothers the bass fishermen is
the Mud Fish. This beast of the water is also known as Shoe Pic,
Dog Fish, Grennel, and several other names. This fish will crush
its prey. With a vice grip mouth containing sharp, fish hook curved
teeth the mud fish will strike its prey in the side and crush it.
Once dead, the Mud eats its prey. Reading the cuts in the shiner
and mouth marks in the side tell the angler what bit. Normal bass
hook sets do not work. But, if you want to catch the Mud-let him
swim until he stops and then starts. Then set the hook. They are
Pickerel live in grass. They also are side strikers. They kill the
prey and then swallow it. Some times it seems like they love to strike
the prey several times- watching it suffer. Holes in the shiner and
cuts indicate the Chain Pickerel is around. If the hook is set and
it feels like a razor cut the line-the probability is that the Chain
Pickerel stole the hook and bait.
are many varieties of gar. They are almost impossible to hook. The
key here is that that gar usually swim on top of the water. Get the
shiners down by removing the strike indicator and gar bites are greatly
reduced. Signs of gar bites on a shiner are narrow trails of teeth
marks. Needle fish are similar to gar. Get the shiner under water
and needle fish bites are greatly reduced.
in a great while red fish are in bass areas. When a Red hits a shiner
there is a hard vicious hit with a long hard run. The hard fast run
is unmistakable!! A Striper or hybrid Striper will hit similar to
a Red.
will also hit a wild shiner. Catfish usually have a pull the shiner,
let it go, pull the shiner, let go type of hit.
these types fish live in the same areas as a bass. If you do not
catch bass-move. If you are catching bass and these others bite-endure
the duress. More bass will bite.
is extremely important when fishing with wild shiners. Most bass
fishermen have crankbait rods, flipping sticks, topwater rods and
so on. The serious wild shiner fisherman has tackle just for the
use of wild shiners.
preferred hook is a Kahle hook. Based on the size of the bait a 3/0,
4/0 or 5/0 Kahle hook should be used. A Kahle hook looks unusual
to the angler who has not seen one. The shape of the Kahle hook will
usually cause the hook to sew its way in and out of the bass. This
results in a bass being hooked extremely securely. The hook is sewed
minimum is about 20 pound test. The grass, wood, various other structures,
and the weight of the shiner are all factors requiring a heavy line
test with abrasion resistance. Many shiner guides use 50 pound test.
30 pound test is normal. Consider in order of importance the bait,
where the bait goes, and what the line goes through in determining
your choice of pound test.
setting techniques are important considerations when selecting a
rod. A long rod is excellent. Seven feet is perfect. With the rod
tip down and the line straight between the bass and the angler the
seven foot rod gives the angler a tremendous amount of line pick-up.
This enables the angler to remove the stretch from the line, the
curve between the reel and the bass from the line, the bend from
the rod. Then when the hook is set the angler feels the hook come
out of the shiner and into the bass mouth. The angler wants the bass
to stop his hook set. (Gosh. I want to go fishing!) A heavy action
rod is a necessity. SHIMANO’s Compree CPC70H is a perfect casting
line test, the rod, and fishing techniques are important in the selection
of a reel. The requirements are strength, durability, a bait clicker
is a must, and the ability to handle heavy line. Light saltwater
reels, Musky reels, and the like are the places to look. SHIMANO’s
Calcutta 400 and SHIMANO’s Bantam 50 are two excellent baitcasting
choices. SHIMANO’s BaitRunner 4500 is an excellent spinning
reel choice. The BaitRunner has a dual drag system allowing the principles
of a bait clicker to work.
selection and use of the appropriate equipment is crucial. You would
not go Bear hunting with a switch. Why try the same with bass? The
angler’s success is directionally proportional to his selection
of equipment.
the Bass
and handling the bass are extremely important. DO NOT LET THE BASS
LAY ON THE CARPET!! Bass have a layer of slime around their body.
With the slime coat on the bass will photo better. If any of the
slime coat comes off the bass is more likely to get an infection.
The slime reflects light better than a dry skin. The bass can be
held in the mouth or by placing the hand around the head and squeezing
on the gill plates. A bass should never touch any part of the boat.
It should be held by an angler with wet hands. Keep the bas healthy.
You caught him. Let some one else experience the same bass. Come
back when that bass is larger and catch him again.
releasing the bass- drop him into the water. The bass will immediately
swim off. If you have to revive the bass by holding him in the mouth
and moving him back and forth in the water- you held him too long.
Most of the time with this type of release the bass stays by the
boat. Just drop the bass into the water and he will be gone.
the Bass
is nothing like a good photo! Photographing fish is an art in itself.
These few hints can help to make your photo part of a memory of a
lifetime. A tape measure to determine length and girth is a must
when catch and release fishing as is a good camera. Make the attributes
of bass shine! First, dip the bass in the water. This does two things-it
allows the bass to breathe-and it will make the bass shine in your
photo. Have the light on the bass. In other words-face the sun. Hold
the bass in front of your body. Make sure the camera operator can
see the bass and your face. The closer the camera operator is to
the bass and the farther the bass is from you the larger it looks.
the bass between photos. Take at least three photos to be sure you
have a good one. If you like holding the bass so it is across your
body-be sure the anal fin is not under your hand. Your hand should
be behind the anal fin. This makes the belly of the bass appear its
true size. It gives a true perspective of the bass’s length.
Dip the bass between photos. Let him breathe. Make him shine. If
the bass is bleeding be sure the bleeding is on the side closest
to you and not to the camera.
The Wild Shiner
your prey is important. It is equally important to know your bait
when fishing with wild shiners. A wild shiner grew up in the wild.
Hence, “wild” in the name. There is a difference between
hatchery shiners and wild shiners. A wild shiner knows what a bass
is and it knows what a bass is going to do to it.
catching process for getting the wild shiners involves baiting up
a hole and then netting the bait. Either by a cast net or a net in
position. The process can be harmful to the shiner. Good care by
the “catcher” is important. Clean nets, good bait, and
clean live wells are extremely important. Sometimes the bait is chemically
treated to be lethargic and sometimes not. The bait, once caught,
travels from the boat to the wholesaler. Then by truck again to the
tackle store. Each step involves netting. Each step is important
to the angler. The angler wants and expects the best bait he can
perfect shiner has been allowed to be cured. Today, the availability
of bait, the increase of fuel costs, the reduction in profitability,
the available help supply, and the demand for the bait have created
a situation where the shiner does not have time to get through the
curing process.
gets all the junk out of a shiner. It becomes hardy. It also turns
a light green color. All shiners are “golden”. They turn
lighter when cured. So...”golden” ones are shiners that
have not been cured.
the angler goes into the tackle shop he should look at the shiner
tank. If the shiners are in a “huddle” they are probably
cured. If they are swimming around hap hazardly they are drugged.
If the shiners are swimming from end to end OR they are jumping.
Get some-get to the lake. The bass are doing the same thing!
tackle shop person has to net the shiners. Next they go in the anglers
livewell. This can be a detrimental process or an improvement process.
Lots of air. Lots of water circulation will maintain and sometimes
improve the bait. Water circulation includes the addition of new
an extremely effective chemical in improving and maintaining wild
quality of the bait has a direct relationship with the success of
the angler. Better Bait equals more and bigger bass. Many times better
bait makes a dramatic difference!! The angler should have every advantage
Shiner Fishing Holes
locating a place to fish with wild shiners consider what the bass
are doing; where the bass are doing it; and what effect weather conditions
may have on the bass. Considering these factors will eliminate some
areas and indicate fishing others.
floating mat will almost always hold some bass. Scattered grass will
hold bass. Wood will hold bass. In Florida bass prefer grass before
wood. When there is a cold front bass lock on to grass. If it gets
colder they lock on to wood in grass. Trolling the shiners through
areas and reading the shiners will identify areas with bass. They
will talk if you listen and read. Trolling areas with scattered bass
works. If it gets cold-pay attention to the bait. And when the bait
moves hang around the area.
you have fished artificial lures in the area and caught a bass or
two in specific small area you can go and anchor up. The bass are
probably more plentiful than one or two. Bass do not live alone.
Be sure this is what you want to do. The wild shiners may spoil the
bass. They may not bite your artificials any more.
you are familiar with bass routes then anchor up on an intersection
or holding spot. The bass will come through. Maintaining a constant
supply of bait once they start biting will keep the bass in your
area, draw more, and you will run out of bait. That is a good thing!
bass with wild shiners is action packed. The knowledgeable and skilled
wild shiner angler has a body of knowledge and a variety of techniques
upon which to rely.
the Author
Guide and Angler Hugh Crumpler has helped his clients catch thousands
upon thousands of trophy bass with wild shiners. Hugh’s legendary
expertise with wild shiners stems from Florida guiding that began
in February of 1988 and continues through the future. Want to catch
a trophy? As Hugh says: “You could be next!”
website is www.HughCrumpler.Com His
e-mail is and
his land line is 321-722-3134.