Bass Metabolism In the Summer
by Wayne Jb
Summertime finds bass metabolism at its
peak, with requiring much more food than usual. Concentrate your
fishing on the areas where the predominant
food source is available. In many lakes, the main bass diet is shad
or any minnow type fish. It's rare to find anything but the occasional
bass in areas where little food is present. Look for breakline areas
with lots of structure such as points, bays drop offs, etc. Go for
the coldest
water on the lake or river. Bass will hold deep near major food supplies,
then move up water near slopes and ledges to feed. Try to find
places where the water will be coolest, such as shadows beneath dense
lily pads,
weed vegetation and canopies, places where feeder creeks enter
the lake and the shady side of any large stucture.
Tight lines and god bless,
fishin bud,
Wayne James J