All Pro Rod Company
New Product Update
By: Rick McFerrin
a recent guide trip, I was fishing with a gentleman that was just
learning how to fish for bass. This is not unusual for us here
at Tennessee Bass Guides. We really enjoy fishing with folks of
all skill levels. So it has become my custom when fishing
with clients that might be inexperienced to always type out a very
detailed list of all the tackle that we will be using that day. By
doing this they can concentrate more on how to catch a fish instead
of trying to remember what we were using and they also have a hard
copy in their hands to help them shop. We had been on the water
for about 30 minutes when I began explaining to him about the All
Pro APX series rods. He politely listened to me and then asked. "What
would you say about All Pro Rods if they weren't your rod sponsor?" My
reply was very honest and simple. Sponsor or not, All
Pro makes some of the finest most sensitive rods available in the
world today. End of subject. And like all successful companies
All Pro didn't get to this point overnight. One reason that All
Pro has evolved into building a world class rod is that from the
get go they have always "LISTENED" to their team of guides, touring
pros, local fishermen, outdoor writers and other knowledgeable
professionals to help them refine their rods. Let me say that again "THEY
LISTEN". All Pro Rods are not the product of some computer geek
that cranked up a software program in a high rise office building.
Or manufactured and assembled in some country 5000 miles from here
where exacting high quality standards and skilled craftsmen have
been replaced by "Just get it built and shipped". No, All
Pro rods are built right here in the United States by skilled craftsmen
with over 25 years of experience. These rods are the end result
of 1000's and 10's of 1,000's of hours on the water in all types
fishing situations and conditions. As a full time guide and owner
of Tennessee Bass Guides I have to put the best equipment in my
clients hands that I possibly can. That's why All Pro has been
my rod of choice EVEN BEFORE...YES...EVEN BEFORE the sponsorship
came along. If you are looking for a new rod for yourself
or for someone else I hope the following information will help
you in making your selection.
Graphite Professional Grade
a full time professional fisherman all I can say is Wow did the
All Pro team ever deliver here. The APX series is All Pros
finest rod. I remember vividly the day that Roger Ray owner of
All Pro and Billy Campbell Vice President of All Pro put the first
APX prototype in my hands. Roger and Billy I hope I said thank
you. I'm not sure because I was in such a hurry to get to
the lake and try it out. When I got to the lake here is what I
quickly realized. (1) The APX rod is unbelievably light.
It's like a feather in your hands compared to other "High End Rods" that
I have tested. The fatigue factor from rod weight is eliminated
with the APX. (2) The APX is ultra sensitive. I'm not sure I can
explain this adequately enough but here go's. Have you ever had
a real bad cold to where your ears were so stopped up that everyone
had to yell at you just so you could here them? You know the kind
of condition where you couldn't hear a hammer drop let alone a
pin? Remember what it was like when the congestions went away and
you could hear even the faintest sound? Well that's the difference
between All Pro and other rods. It's like the difference of day
and night. With many high in rods today it almost takes the hammer
falling to detect a hit. But with the APX you FEEL, let
me say this again you FEEL even the slightest tap. I often
joke with my clients that I can feel the turbulence created by
a bass when it swims by my baits. That may be a stretch, but
I will tell you that I can feel lure action, structure contact
and extra light hits like never before. The APX is absolutely phenomenal.
are several reasons why the sensitivity is so pronounced with the
APX rods. (1) Fuji ECS Reel Seats are used with blank thru handle
design which creates extra sensitivity. (2) APX Graphite Blank
is built to the most exacting standards possible (3) Finest cork
available is used (4) 100% graphite arbors "Sensor Rings" (see
picture to left) are set into the handle for the ultimate in sensitivity.
(5) Roger has also added a "New" APX with a 100% graphite
handle that is going to be a asset (6) The APX have chrome
titanium guides that have been polished to the point to where your
retrieve is extra smooth eliminating line drag and wrapped with
Gudebrod thread for ultimate toughness. Even the slightest hit
that you may have not detected in the past can be felt using the
APX. The hit is transmitted through the line down the rod into
the graphite sensor rings or graphite handle and into your hand.
I can almost hear someone say ok Rick the APX rod is light and
sensitive but what about tough. What about durability? Let
me answer you this way. I have tried to break an APX on everything
from huge Smallmouth -Largemouth-Flat Head Catfish-Rockfish and
even Salmon in Alaska swimming up stream 50 miles per hour and
have yet to do so. Of course any rod is subject to breaking if
abused or deliberately damaged. Used correctly the APX is a "Work
fantastic feature offered with the APX is you have a choice of
either a fixed positioned reel set or what we call a Tennessee
Handle (see 2 rods to the right in picture above) With the Tennessee
Handle you can choose your reel location on the handle. By doing
so you can balance your rods exactly to your own personal tastes.
The APX is built in 4 different styles, 8
different lengths and 6 different rod actions. From pan fish to
trophy bass, stripper, catfish and you name it All Pro has a APX
rod that is suited just for you and backed up with an unbelievable
life time warranty . Like I said before WOW!
AtlAntis Series Rods
when you think that Roger, Billy and the All Pro Team can't come
up with anything else they introduce another winner! Sometime
All Pro was approached by several top salt water guides to design
a rod specifically for inshore salt water fishing. If your going
to fish for species such as redfish, speckled trout, snook and
tarpon you have to have a rod that is up to the task. The
result is the AtlAntis series rod. The APX blank was redesigned
with a softer tip for saltwater fishing and built with a dark cobalt
blue finish but yet kept the lightness and sensitivity of the APX
series. All components like the Fuji Reel Seat and the titanium
guides are rated for saltwater use. 100% of the quality, planning
and care that was invested in the APX is used in these new
rods. The AtlAntis Series Rods are built in 2 different styles (1)
Casting/Trigger Handles and (2) Spinning Deluxe Reel Seat Handles. AtlAntis
comes in 2 different lengths 7 foot one piece and a 7 foot 6 inch
one piece and 3 different actions (1) Light (2) Medium Light (3)
Medium. This is great for the saltwater guys "BUT".
me explain. The minute that the prototypes arrived at the All Pro
office we fresh water guys were all over them. Automatically when
you pick one of these beauties up your mind races to "Live Bait
Smallmouth Rod" "Live bait Walleye Rod" "Mini Hair Fly Smallmouth
Rod" "Small Light Crank Bait Rod" the list can go on and on. Do
you see where I'm headed? Not only did All Pro build a fantastic
new salt water rod but a equally fantastic new fresh water rod
that is totally different from all the other rods.
favorite is the 7 foot 6 inch medium light spinning rod. I have
been field testing these rods for the past several weeks on two
Smallmouth lakes here in Tennessee and I can tell you they are
fantastic. The Smallmouth in the picture to the left were caught
2 days ago on Thursday Nov 10-2005 on Dale Hollow Lake here in
Tennessee using the AtlAntis Series Rod with a 1/8 ounce white
jig and creek minnow rigged on 6 pound test line. Freddie my client
in this picture remarked that he was able to feel the slightest
hit even in the wind that blew 15mph all day long. These rods have
the backbone even with 4 and 6 pound test line to drive the hook
home but yet when you get a big fish to the boat the action of
the rod is forgiving enough to ware the fish down. My instructions
to my clients using these rods is "Let the rod and your drag do
the work."
word got out quickly here in Tennessee about these new rods and
ever since some of the top smallmouth fishermen in the state have
been rushing to the All Pro web site for more information and retail
location where these rods can be purchased. I know I must sound
like a infomercial, but I can't help it. This is another great
tool not only for a full time fisherman like me but for anyone
that likes a lighter action rod that doesn't overpower small finesse
artificial and live baits but is strong enough to put a trophy
in the boat.
you get a chance go to scan
down to the bottom of the front page and click on All Pro Rods
and check out their vast assortment of specialty rods like the
Slab Slayer Crappie Rod-Floating Fly Series Rods and the Hercules
Series Rods that I didn't cover.
have always felt that a man's word should be his bond. I
in all good consciousness will not endorse nor promote products
that I don't use and believe in. Take it from guy that has spent
140 days or more on the water every year, if your looking for a
World Class Fishing Rod, that is head and shoulders above the others. You
need to check out the All Pro APX and AtlAntis Series. You won't
regret it. Thank you for reading.
Rick McFerrin