Rat-L-Trap’s...Gotta Have’em!!
written by Trey Blocker
My Zombie Trap beat to death after an
action packed day
 Redfish couldn't resist the
Zombie Trap |
Anglers that frequently hit the water know and understand the productivity of the notorious Rat-L-Trap. This lure is on of the most well known lures in the country because of its unmistakable ability to catch fish. The Rat-L-Trap is an unbelievable scouting tool and not to mention a homerun when it comes to enticing the ever-elusive bucket mouth lurking in ambush points among the many different types of fisheries. The combination of diversity and simplicity of this lure is unmatched by any other product on the market. Fishing grass beds, points, creek channels, ridges, drop-offs, humps, flats, trash, standing timber, weed patches, laydowns, stump fields or whatever the case may be, the Rat-L-Trap is always up for the challenge. The wide array of color combinations, sizes, and designs helps put the nail in the coffin when it comes to implementing this lure into the “gotta have’em” category for all anglers.
Scouting for tournaments or just out for a fun day on the water calls for covering water and finding plenty of productive areas. The Rat-L-Trap is a lure that is famous for covering water quickly and efficiently with its wind piercing talents and fast retrieve capabilities. Cranking the trolling motor on high and burning down a bank line while ripping and banging the trap through and around any thing in its path is a very effective way to utilize this lures ability to create reaction strikes. The Rat-L-Trap is a fantastic lure for probing points, ridges and/or drop offs where long casts and retrieves are essential for combing through these natural bottoms more efficiently. Slowing down the retrieve a bit will enable the lure to fall deeper in the water column allowing the angler to fish many different depths on the same cast. Another widely known application for the Rat-L-Trap is covering vast flats and shallow coves during the spawn. Males guarding the nest and females laying their eggs have a hard time not noticing and fiercely attacking this lure as it erratically moves through the area. There are many different ways to retrieve a Rat-L-Trap than the obvious chunk and wind. Some deep water situations may call for a vertical presentation where the lure is released and allowed to fall to the bottom, then vertically jerked or pulled upward and allowed to flutter to the bottom again. This process may be repeated over and over depending on the circumstances and patterns that may emerge. Fishing grass beds would seem to be more trouble than its worth to the untrained eye with the two treble hooks that lie on the bottom portion of the lure, but is actually one of the most productive ways to get a reaction strike. Long casts made with a 7-foot medium heavy or heavy rated rod with some 65 to 100 pound braid to help rip the lure out of the grass is the most productive way to fish this technique. Using a “stop and go” and/or a “pull and pause” retrieve can create subtle differences in presentation which can also be productive during certain times of the year. Another technique that can be utilized during the retrieve is frequently twitching the rod tip in a downward motion while a steady retrieve is in progress. Needless to say, these different retrieve techniques give a fluttering or erratic type of motion that portrays the natural fleeing tendencies of bait.
New Super Nova Series Trap gettin
some action
The size and color combinations are practically endless with sizes ranging from 1/8oz to 1 ½ oz, and colors ranging from the basic Red Chrome to ones own custom logo! The new Super Nova Series, and Zombie Traps are recent editions that offer a refreshing approach to some of the most creative color combinations on the market today. Hitting the water without a Rat-L-Trap tied on is a mistake for any angler on any level. The diversity of colors, sizes, and applications this lure has to offer is why it has been, and always will be a main stay in the fishing industry.
About the Author:
Trey Blocker is a Pro Angler and Free Lance Outdoor Writer in South Louisiana. He is currently sponsored by and privileged to represent LOUISIANA FISH FRY, RAT-L-TRAP (Bill Lewis Lures), MARSHBASS.COM, and SWAMP STICK RODS. He has previously competed in the Toyota Tundra Bass Master Weekend Series Division13 and Local Charity Tournaments. His goals are set to one day compete in the Federation Nation and the Bass Master Opens and try and qualify for the Bass Masters Classic, all while writing about the journey along the way.