Fishing Calendar Software Program
Many who fish and hunt feel that there are two atributing factors
that effect the feeding periods of fish and animals. These two
factors are the gravitational effect of the moon, and the amount of
light coming from the moon.
The gravitational effect of the moon is greatest when the moon is
due south of a location in the Northern hemisphere, and second greatest
when it is due north (the other side of the earth). These
two times are generally referred to as Major one and Major
two feeding periods. There is little difference between
Fishing Calendar's data and that found in monthly publication
of this data. Fishing Calendar is however configurable to an
exact location, while most publications choose a set geographical location
on which to base their data. Fishing Calendar also allows one
to plan in advance for fishing trips as it is for the most part, a
perpetual calendar. This aspect is open to interpretation as
to whether the gravitational effect means anything or not, but when
it happens, the moon is either there or not.
The amount of light coming from the moon is of course greatest at
Full moon and least at New moon. Fishing Calendar shows the phases
of the moon, and selects good fishing days based around the New and
Full moon. This is open to interpretation as to whether the value
is actual, or simply perceived as being needed. Some place no value
on it at all, while some place more value on more light, and others
on less light. Fishing Calendar slightly favors no light when
selecting good fishing days, partly based on the fact that during the
New moon phase the sun and moon somewhat track together in the sky.

Fishing Calendar also selects good fishing days based on the First
and Last quarters of the moon. At First quarter the Major one
feeding period occurs near dusk, which is a time when a natural feeding
period is taking place. At Last quarter, the Major one feeding
period occurs near dawn, another natural feeding time.
Fishing Calendar also depicts when the moon is at perigee (closest
to the earth). While there have been occasions where we have
observed bad fishing days at perigee, the norm in our observations
has been consistently good fishing at this period.
We would certainly choose to go fishing with someone who always catches
fish over the data that Fishing Calendar provides - but when
we can't, we like to know what the moon is "up to" when
planning our fishing trips.
Fishing Calendar is shareware software for the PC
computer. It
may be downloaded from our website, installed and examined for a period
of time to see if it meets your needs.
If you would like more information on this product,
visit the Fishing Calendar website at
Paul W. Ferrant